Providing Support to Cielo Dominican Republic


Tomorrow I’ll be traveling with my family to a small village in Dominican Republic where we will be spending the next 10 days working for the community there. This isn’t a vacation for us, instead we will be working (with another family) within the community there, doing everything from construction to listing a leprosorium.

I’d share some pictures 1 with you but this is our first trip, so while the schedule is setup already via Mission Emanuel, it’s going to be all new for me.

Why am I letting you know here, instead of writing on my personal blog:

  1. Support is going to be less than awesome over this time. I’ll be doing my best to respond but there will be periods of time that you/customers may have to wait more than 36 hours for a reply. Hopefully there wont be any time sensitive support requests.
  2. Most importantly, I’m sharing this because you made this happen. Your support of Sprout Apps has allowed me to help in an area of the world that needs it. Take a lot of pride in this trip, regardless if you’re not the one taking all the flying out on a red-eye with your kids ?.

Thank you!


  1. I’ll try to share some pics during the trip.