This week is a drag for many of us since it’s the week we recover from the holidays, and have a full load of business responsibilities before the year’s end. One of our responsibilities is tidying up some business financials, reviewing profit/loss, and assessing the businesses to see if we met the year’s goals.
Let’s review Sprout Invoice’s goals for late 2022:
1.0 – Provides complete control over the estimate and invoicing workflows, complete ownership of your data, and the ability to build custom features on top of a plugin that integrates into your WordPress site. Learn about SI.
1.1 – Addition of Multi-currency support, Money Formatting, and Foreign Payments for better internationalization. Learn more.
2.0 – Added Projects and Time Tracking. Learn more.
That’s three major releases in as many months, which will continue. Our goals will still be one major release of Sprout Invoices every month. Making the decision to keep your license active an easy one.
3.0 – Brings Recurring (or Subscription) Invoice Payments and Recurring Invoices.
That might sound like the same feature but they’re completely different…promise.
Recurring Invoices will help generate new invoices on a schedule. Your settings will generate a copy of the invoice on a schedule, alleviating the need to log in and use the existing duplication feature. Generated invoices keep a relationship for easy tracking.
Recurring Invoice Payments, or Subscription Invoice Payments
Recurring/Subscription payments can be created when a user pays their initial payment on an invoice. Just imagine not having to go after your clients to pay their invoices on time, now they can pay you automatically without a second thought.
Options to set the term and duration; the recurring payment will be the full invoice total, and any prior payments or deposits will be accounted for.
Shown above is an example of an active recurring invoice payment for Paypal. Stripe is another payment processor that supports the recurring payment feature of Sprout Invoices.
More improvements are thrown throughout but not as important as these two, especially since they’re mostly UI/X refinements.
Only a few days left of 2022, use them wisely.