After writing the the post yesterday about the Zapier Integration coming in v6.0 I wanted to show a real world example, something that could help anyone using a project management tool included in Zapier’s 300+...
I want to personally thank all the paid Sprout Invoices users out there, it’s you who’ve made version 5.0 happen; I’m afraid to say it but without your support these features would never had the chance...
The Sprout Invoices 4.0 release brings some highly requested features that I believe all users will be excited to use, especially since it directly affects the client experience. Along with numerous updates and minor features, like time...
The beginning of January has always been a time of transition for me. It’s when I reassess my business, change a few things, review my goals from the pervious year, and create new goals for...
When developing Sprout Invoices for WordPress a great deal of consideration went into how payment processors would integrate into the platform. Personally, as a developer, I understand the struggle of integrating a third party payment API with another app/plugin, and it sometimes...
We will rarely do point release posts but theres been an important change in 2.0.7 that anyone with a customized estimate and/or invoice template should know about. Estimate and Invoice templates will no longer use...
There’s a ton of things to review for the 2.0 release of Sprout Invoices. The biggest news is Projects and Time Tracking; I’ve reviewed the new capabilities in a previous post and recently added to...
Sprout Invoices 2.0 (more on that versioning later) will be released in the coming weeks and I’d like to give you a sneak peak at one of the most important new screens. In the video below you’ll...
At WCSF I had some great conversations with people, one in particular was with a new friend from Canada about the complexity of taxation he had to deal with. That conversation taught me that the default tax options that Sprout Invoices has...
As a freelance developer I receive(d) a gained a lot of foreign clients, luckily the majority of them accepted their estimates and invoices in english and USD. There were a few instances however that I had to simply say...
When I started building the UI for Sprout Invoices I felt the default double column view was a bit too cramped for managing estimates and invoices with a lot of line items. This resulted in the default...
We’re working hard making Sprout Invoices work in your language and more. Earlier this week we pushed out 1.0.1 with better support for internationalization support and to improve localization support we’ve created a translators group. If interested in translating Sprout Invoices...
The last big feature for version 1 of Sprout Invoices is the ability to import data from external invoicing services, including Harvest, Freshbooks, or WP-Invoice. If you have your data in one of these systems you can import...
After an estimate is approved you’ll need to send your client an invoice. It’s important to agree to an initial deposit before starting any work, to protect your both in case something goes wrong and...
Here goes our first Friday Feature Spotlight, when I’ll share a feature for a Sprout App that likely goes unnoticed. This week will be Nested Line Items for Sprout Invoices. One of the features that I’m very proud of...